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Q. Why do my Analysis tools run slowly?

Make sure you have turn on the 2D basemap settings.

Q. Why is my map loading slower than before?

This could be due to the out of memory. Clear the cache and try again.

Q. Why am I seeing a “Network error” when I try to load some data layers?

This could be due to server maintenance. Please try again sometime later. If the issue persists, check your firewall restrictions.

Q. Why do "3D Terrain" and "3D Smooth" Perspective Views look the same on my computer?

Some older computers do not have graphics cards which fully support WebGL and some older browsers do not make use of this support even if it is present. The TerriaMap requires this support in order to support 3D Terrain Perspective View. Try upgrading your browser to the latest version. If that still does not work, you may need to consider working on a computer that has more recent graphics support.

Last update: February 25, 2023